
The ability of a diagnostic test to detect the absence of a disease in a healthy population. Specificity = true negatives divided by the sum of true negatives plus false positives, or TN/(FN + TN). True positives are correct positive diagnoses; false negatives are incorrect negative diagnoses. Diagnostic tests with high specificity are often used to confirm the presence of a malady first suggested by a highly sensitive but less specific screening test.

Degree of selectivity shown by an antibody with respect to the number and types of antigens with which the antibody combines, as well as with respect to the rates and the extents of these reactions.

A principle that states that you train only that part of the system or body that is overloaded.

The body’s adaptations to training. The physiological adaptations to resistance training are specific to the muscle actions involved, velocity of movement, exercise range of motion, muscle groups trained, energy systems involved, and the intensity and volume of training.

A training concept that fitness components can be increased for very specific tasks or functions.

A measure of the ability of a diagnostic or screening test, or other predictor to correctly identify the negative (or healthy) people; the proportion of true negative cases (healthy people correctly identified as negative. Specificity = true negatives:-(true negatives + false positives). A test may be quite specific without being very sensitive.

The rate of negative responses in a test from persons free from a disease. A high specificity means a low rate of false positives.

Proportion of people who do not have a given condition and are correctly identified by a test; a specific test has a low false-positive rate. A nonspecific test has a high false-positive rate and should not be relied upon to suspect or diagnose an abnormality or disease. Some types of urine pregnancy tests are very nonspecific any type of contaminant (such as dirt, blood, or vaginal secretions) may give a false-positive result when, in reality, the patient is not pregnant. A serum pregnancy test is both sensitive and specific.

An epidemiological term which assists in describing the accuracy of tests to see if someone has a condition. It measures the proportion of patients who have a negative result and do not have the condition. In other words it shows how few false positives there are. A highly specific test has few false positives.

The state of being specific; having a relation to a definite result or to a particular cause.

The type of physical changes you desire in your body relates directly to the type of exercise you choose.

Refers to placing a specific demand on the body that results in a specific adaptation.




