
A sudden, involuntary, generally painful contraction of a muscle, or groups of muscle fibers.

Sudden, violent involuntary muscular contraction.

Involuntary contraction of a muscle or a muscle fiber.

An intense, involuntary, usually painful contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.

A sudden, usually painful, involuntary contraction of a muscle, as in cramp.

An involuntary muscle contraction. Muscle cramps are sudden, painful spasms caused by an excessive and prolonged contraction of the muscle fibers. Spasms may be due to overuse, muscle stress, or dehydration. Exercise-related cramps usually occur during or immediately after workouts, due to muscle fiber damage and a buildup of chemicals such as lactic acid. Minor spasms do not require treatment. However, a person with an unexplained, persistent, or painful spasm should seek a doctor’s care.

A sustained involuntary muscular contraction, which may occur either as part of a generalized disorder, such as a spastic paralysis, or as a local response to an otherwise unconnected painful condition. Carpopedal spasm affects the muscles of the hands and feet and is caused by a deficiency of available calcium in the body.

An involuntary, and, in severe cases, painful contraction of a muscle or of a hollow organ with a muscular wall. Spasm may be due to affections in the muscle where the spasm takes place, or it may originate in some disturbance of that part of the nervous system which controls the spasmodically acting muscles. Spasms of a general nature are usually spoken of as convulsions; spasms of a painful nature are known as cramp when they affect the muscles of the limbs, and as colic when they are situated in the stomach, intestines, ureters or bile duct, or other organs of the abdomen. Spasm of the heart is called angina pectoris, and is both a serious and an agonizing condition. When the spasm is a prolonged firm contraction, it is spoken of as tonic spasm; when it consists of a series of twitches or quick alternate contractions and relaxations, it is known as clonic spasm. Spasm is a symptom of many diseases.

An involuntary sudden movement or muscular contraction that occurs as a result of some irritant or trauma. Spasms may be clonic (characterized by alternate contraction and relaxation) or tonic (sustained). They may involve either visceral (smooth) muscle or skeletal (striated) muscle. When contractions are strong and painful, they are called cramps. The effect depends on the part affected. Asthma is assumed to be associated with spasm of the muscular coats of smaller bronchi; renal colic to spasm of the muscular coat of the ureter.

In the realm of physiology, there exists a fascinating phenomenon known as a muscle spasm. This intriguing occurrence manifests as an abrupt and involuntary contraction of an individual muscle or a cluster of muscles. It is a sudden and unanticipated event that can take place within the intricate framework of the human body. This involuntary tensing, although transient in nature, can cause temporary discomfort and disrupt the normal functioning of the affected muscles. Whether triggered by physical exertion, muscle fatigue, or other underlying factors, a muscle spasm serves as a reminder of the intricate interplay between our muscles and the complex network of nerves that control them. While the precise mechanisms behind these spontaneous contractions continue to be an area of ongoing research, their occurrence reminds us of the remarkable intricacies and occasional vulnerabilities of the human musculoskeletal system. Through a combination of rest, stretching, and other appropriate interventions, individuals can find relief and restore equilibrium to their muscles, allowing them to resume their regular activities with renewed vigor and freedom of movement.

An automatic tightening of a muscle, spasms can occur without causing pain. Instances of spasms encompass cramps, which commonly target the calf muscles, hiccups where the diaphragm spasms, and tics that often impact facial muscles.

Less frequently, spasms might arise due to an anomaly within the central nervous system (comprising the brain and spinal cord) or manifest as a sign of a muscular disorder. Spasms brought about by nervous system ailments encompass myoclonus and chorea. Additional conditions characterized by spasms encompass trigeminal neuralgia, affecting facial and cranial muscles, tetany, a spasm stemming from decreased blood calcium levels, and tetanus, a severe bacterial infection. Bronchospasm pertains to the contraction of muscles in the narrow air passages of the lungs, often observed in cases of asthma. In vasospasm, one of the symptoms of Raynaud’s disease, there’s a constriction of muscles within the blood vessel walls.

An abrupt muscle contraction.

An involuntary tightening or spasm of a muscle or muscle fiber.




