A form of sleep disorder in which the person gets out of bed and walks in an uncoordinated manner, usually during deep non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. the person does not respond to communication by others and can be awakened only with great difficulty. on awakening, the person has amnesia for the event, although mental activity is not impaired.
A condition especially affecting children where the person gets up and walks about while still asleep.
Condition, occurring primarily in children and often associated with anxiety, fatigue, or stress, in which the person performs motor activity, usually leaving bed and walking around, while sleeping and has no memory of it on awakening.
Walking about and performing other actions in a semiautomatic way during sleep without later memory of doing so. It is common during childhood and may persist into adult life. It can also arise spontaneously, as the result of stress or hypnosis.
A hypnotic state in which the patient retains all their senses and appears awake, yet their mind is under the influence of the hypnotist.