Scanning speech

A disorder in speaking, where each sound is spoken separately and given equal stress.

A disorder of articulation in which the syllables are inappropriately separated and equally stressed. It is caused by disease of the cerebellum or its connecting fibers in the brainstem.

A speech disorder in which articulated syllables are wrongly spaced and each is given the same vocal emphasis. The condition occurs as a result of disease in the cerebellum or its connecting nerves.

The pronunciation of words in syllables, or slowly and hesitatingly. Pauses between the syllables result in staccato-like speech. It is a symptom of certain diseases of the cerebellum and advanced multiple sclerosis.

Abnormal speech characterized by staccato-like articulation that sounds clipped because the person unintentionally pauses between syllables and skips some of the sounds.

A unique, deliberate, and rhythmic manner of speaking seen in certain neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis.




