
One of a group of muscles in the neck which bend the neck forwards and sideways, and also help expand the lungs in deep breathing.

Any of four pairs of muscles extending from the cervical vertebrae to the second rib and involved in movement of the neck and in breathing movements.

One of four paired muscles of the neck (scalenus anterior, medius, minimus, and posterior), extending from the cervical (neck) vertebrae to the first and second ribs. They are responsible for raising the first and second ribs in inspiration and for bending the neck forward and to either side.

of three deeply situated muscles on each
side of the neck, extending from the tu¬
bercles of the transverse processes of
the third through sixth cervical verte¬
brae to the first or second rib. The three
muscles are the scalenus anterior (anticus),
medius, and posterior,



