
A satay is a Malaysian dish made by grilling pieces of meat on a skewer, and then serving them with a spicy sauce. According to the travel writer who introduced the word to English in 1934, the source of the dish’s name is the Chinese word satae, denoting three pieces of meat.

Embark on a culinary adventure to the vibrant streets of Indonesia and Singapore, where tantalizing skewered delights known as satays await. These savory treats are lovingly prepared and sold by street vendors, their charcoal braziers adding an enticing aroma to the surroundings. Satays feature a variety of ingredients, including meat, poultry, or seafood, threaded onto wooden skewers. Accompanying these delectable morsels is a fiery peanut sauce that adds a delightful kick to the flavor profile. Depending on their size, satays can be savored as an appetizer or take center stage as a main course. While grilling is the preferred method, broiling also yields satisfying results. Indulge in the irresistible allure of satays and immerse yourself in the rich culinary traditions of the region.




