
Compounds chemically related to, or derived from, vitamin A, which display some of the biological activities of the vitamin, but have lower toxicity; they are used for treatment of severe skin disorders and some cancers.

A group of biologically active compounds that are chemical derivatives of vitamin A. Among other effects on living cells, some of the retinoid compounds act to deprive cancerous cells of their ability to proliferate endlessly, so these (formerly cancerous) cells then progress to a natural death (after exposure to applicable retinoid).

A group of compounds having vitamin A activity.

A group of compounds that are structurally related to retinol and function like vitamin A. Retinoids are used in the treatment of various skin diseases and digestive ailments.

Any one of a collection of drugs that are derived from vitamin A. They can be taken orally or applied topically, and affect the skin by causing drying and peeling, with a reduction in the production of sebum. These properties are useful in the treatment of acne and psoriasis.

Provitamin A is composed of various compounds such as retinol, retinoic acid, and retinal.

A man-made derivative of vitamin A employed in the management of various skin conditions.

A substance, either natural or synthetic, derived from vitamin A and used for treating acne.




