Rapid eye movement sleep

The dream stage of sleep characterized by twitching of the eyes beneath the eyelids REM sleep.

Throughout the night, people move through different stages of sleep. These stages include the activity of REM sleep, as well as the four stages of NREM (nonrapid eye movement) sleep: transitional sleep, light sleep, and two stages of deep or delta sleep. Dreams occur during REM sleep, when the body becomes still except for eye movement and brain activity speeds up. Brain functions slow during more restful NREM sleep.

Rapid-eye-movement (REM) is a stage during sleep in which the eyes are seen to move rapidly beneath the lids and during which dreaming occurs. It occurs several minutes at a time approximately every 100 minutes.

REM sleep. Sleep during which rapid eye movements occur. In REM sleep, which follows stage 4 of non -rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, electroencephalographic activity is similar to that of NREM stage 1, and muscle paralysis normally occurs.

A stage of sleep characterized by rapid movement of the eyes beneath closed eyelids. It constitutes approximately 20-25% of the total sleep duration. REM sleep is associated with dreaming.




