Pulmonary alveolus

One of the terminal epithelial sacs of an alveolar duct where gases are exchanged in respiration.

The fifth aortic arch on the left side. It becomes the pulmonary artery.

An alveolus is a small, balloon-like sac located at the end of a bronchiole, which is one of the numerous tiny air passages found in the lungs. These alveoli play a crucial role in the process of respiration by facilitating the exchange of gases. Within each lung, there are approximately 300 million alveoli, organized in clusters that resemble bunches of grapes. The large number and arrangement of alveoli greatly increase the surface area available for efficient gas exchange between inhaled oxygen and carbon dioxide waste produced by the body’s cells. This intricate structure enables the lungs to efficiently oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide during the breathing process.




