
The condition of a protruded position of the maxilla and/or mandible in relation to the face.

A condition in which one jaw, especially the lower jaw, or both jaws protrude.

A type of malocclusion in which the lower jaw and front teeth jut out in front of the upper ones.

Abnormal facial configuration in which one or both of the jaws project forward.

An abnormally projecting lower jaw. Prognathism may cause malocclusion (misalignment of the biting surfaces of the teeth). This condition may simply be an inherited facial shape, or it can be a symptom of an underlying disorder.

The state of one jaw being markedly larger than the other and therefore in front of it.

Abnormal protusion of the lower jaw, or sometimes of both jaws. The condition may make biting and chewing difficult, in which case corrective surgery is necessary.

Projection of the jaws beyond projection of the forehead.





