Preevent meal

Many athletes focus on proper food consumption in the hours and moments just prior to exercise or competition. Williams has outlined several guidelines that should be used by athletes during the meal prior to competition. These recommendations include consumption of a meal providing foods that will allow the stomach to be relatively empty before the event. The meal should be high in carbohydrate and relatively low in fiber, fat, and protein. It should usually be eaten approximately 3 to 4 hours before competition to allow for stomach emptying and nutrient utilization. Liquid meals are often less likely to cause gastrointestinal disturbances (such as cramps, gas, nausea, diarrhea) and may be consumed closer to the event (that is 2 to 3 hours prior). As described in the entry for liquid meals, consumption of a liquid meal may be the optimal choice for early morning events that begin relatively soon after waking. Personal preferences based on taste, adequate energy and water content, and absence of gastrointestinal disturbances, should be the major factors in determining what is consumed for a pre-event meal. Many commercial products provide the benefit of convenience; however, there are no magical foods or products that will improve the performance of all athletes. Although a good pregame meal can not replace good overall dietary habits, it can remain an important part of performance enhancement and contribute to adequate daily intake of nutrients.




