
Is an inflammation of the pleura, the lining of the pleural cavity surrounding the lungs, which can cause painful respiration and other symptoms. Also known as pleuritis.

Inflammation of the serous membrane investing the lungs and lining the walls of the thoracic cavity.

Inflammation of the pleura membrane enveloping the lung.

Inflammation of the membranes that envelope the lungs and thorax.

An inflammation of the lining of the chest cavity and outer surface of the lungs.

Inflammation of the pleura, especially the parietal layer, marked by difficulty in breathing and sharp pain that is worsened with inspiration. Causes include viral infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and cancer. Treatment depends on the cause.

Inflammation of the double membrane that covers each lung and lines the chest cavity. Pleurisy may cause painful swelling and chafing of the pleural membranes against each other (dry pleurisy) or cause fluid to accumulate between the membranes, compressing the lungs and making breathing difficult (wet pleurisy).

Inflammation of the two thin, transparent membranes, called the pleura or pleural membranes, that cover the lungs and line the chest wall. Pleurisy most commonly occurs when a virus or bacterium infects the membranes. The primary causes of pleurisy are pneumonia, tissue death produced by a pulmonary embolism, cancer, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Inflammation of the pleura, usually due to pneumonia in the underlying lung. The normally shiny and slippery pleural surfaces lose their sheen and become slightly sticky, so that there is pain on deep breathing and a characteristic ‘rub’ can be heard through a stethoscope. Pleurisy is always associated with some other disease in the lung, chest wall, diaphragm, or abdomen.

Inflammation of the pleura or serous membrane investing the lung and lining the inner surface of the ribs. It is a common condition, and may be either acute or chronic, the latter being usually tuberculous in origin.

Inflammation of the visceral and parietal pleurae that surround the lungs and line the thoracic cavity. It may be primary or secondary; unilateral, bilateral, or local; acute or chronic; fibrinous, sero-fibrinous, or purulent. Common causes of pleurisy include viral infections, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, rib fracture, and serositis from autoimmune diseases.

Inflammation of the covering of the lungs (pleura) so that there is pain on breathing and coughing.

The sensation of discomfort in the chest that arises specifically when an individual takes a deep breath is known as pleuritic chest pain.

Pleurisy, which refers to the inflammation of the pleura, the membrane enveloping the lungs and chest cavity, can be caused by factors like lung infections (such as pneumonia), and less commonly by pulmonary embolism, lung cancer, or rheumatoid arthritis. This condition induces a piercing chest discomfort that intensifies during inhalation, stemming from the friction between the inflamed membrane layers. Managing this condition centers on addressing its underlying cause, supplemented by the administration of analgesic medications (pain relievers).

Pleurisy, which refers to the inflammation of the pleura, the membrane enveloping the lungs and chest cavity, can be caused by factors like lung infections (such as pneumonia), and less commonly by pulmonary embolism, lung cancer, or rheumatoid arthritis. This condition induces a piercing chest discomfort that intensifies during inhalation, stemming from the friction between the inflamed membrane layers. Managing this condition centers on addressing its underlying cause, supplemented by the administration of analgesic medications (pain relievers).

Inflammation of the pleura, also known as pleuritis.

Inflammation of the membranes surrounding the lungs and chest cavity.




