
A protozoan, some of which cause disease in humans, e.g., malaria.

A type of parasite which infests red blood cells and causes malaria.

Genus of parasites that includes the malaria-causing organisms.

A genus of protozoans that live as parasites within the red blood cells and liver cells of man. The parasite undergoes its asexual development in man and completes the sexual phase of its development in the stomach and digestive glands of a bloodsucking Anopheles mosquito. Four species cause ‘malaria in man: P. vivax, P. ovale, P. falciparum, and P. malariae.

The general term applied to minute protoplasmic cells, and particularly to those which cause malaria and allied diseases.

A genus of protozoa belonging to subphylum Sporozoa, class Telosporidia; includes causative agents of malaria in humans and lower animals.

A multinucleate mass of naked protoplasm, occurring commonly among slime molds.

A collection of protozoa (individual-celled organisms), comprising the microorganisms accountable for causing malaria. After being introduced into the body, usually through a mosquito bite, plasmodia reside within liver cells, red blood cells, and circulate within the bloodstream.




