Placenta previa

Low implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus that often results in miscarriage because of premature detachment of the placenta.

A disorder in which the placenta that provides nourishment to a fetus is placed abnormally low, over the cervix.

Condition of pregnancy in which the placenta is implanted abnormally in the lower, rather than the upper, part of the uterus so that it partially or completely covers the outlet from the uterus to vagina; it is a common cause of bleeding in late pregnancy. If severe hemorrhage occurs, immediate Cesarean section is required to save the mother’s life. If the placenta is next to, but not blocking, the uterine outlet, vaginal delivery may be attempted.

In pregnancy, a placenta that has grown abnormally low in the uterus, partly or completely covering the cervix. The condition is unusual, occurring in only one of every 200 pregnancies, and its cause is unknown. Depending on how much of the cervix is covered by the placenta, it may cause problems toward the end of the pregnancy. Symptoms do not always occur, but if the placenta begins to separate from the uterus, the woman may experience sporadic, painless bleeding from the vagina, usually late in the pregnancy.

The attachment of the placenta to the lower part of the womb (instead of to the upper part, as is normal). As it grows, the placenta may partially or completely cover the outlet from the womb to the vagina. Slight bleeding may occur from about the seventh month of pregnancy, and anemia may develop. Childbirth may be made difficult because the placenta hinders the movement of the infant through the vagina and delivery by cesarean section may be necessary.

A placenta that is implanted in the lower uterine segment. There are three types: centralis, lateralis, and marginalis. Placenta previa centralis (total or complete PP) is the condition in which the placenta has been implanted in the lower uterine segment and has grown to completely cover the internal cervical os. Placenta previa lateralis (low marginal implantation) is the condition in which the placenta lies just within the lower uterine segment. Placenta previa marginalis is the condition in which the placenta partially covers the internal cervical os (partial or incomplete PP).

A placenta positioned in proximity to, or partially obstructing, the inner opening of the cervix is referred to as a low-lying placenta. This condition can give rise to significant hemorrhaging during the process of childbirth, posing potential risks to both the mother and the baby.




