Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Occupational dimension
Occupational dimension is the dimension of wellness that entails the ability to integrate skills, interests, and values that will heighten job satisfaction. Being able to identify a “well” work environment and balancing work time and personal leisure time are important skills in the occupational dimension.
Muscular power
A function of strength and speed, is the ability to apply force rapidly. Jumping requires muscular power.
Maintenance stage
Maintenance stage is the fifth and final stage in the transtheoretical model of behavior change. In this stage, individuals have been able to sustain their new behavior for over 6 months. Their habits are becoming automatic.
Macrominerals are minerals needed in large doses (more than 100 mg daily). Examples are calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Karvonen equation
Karvonen equation is used to determine the target heart rate (THR) for exercise. It takes into account the current fitness level of the exerciser by using his or her resting heart rate. (Karvonen was a Finnish researcher.) The formula is THR = MAX HR – RHR x IF + RHR.
Intellectual dimension
Intellectual dimension is the dimension of wellness that involves ongoing curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. Attending lectures, reading newspapers, discussing new ideas with people, and visiting museums are a few practices that reflect intellectual wellness.
Iliotibial band
Iliotibial band is a long tendon that begins in the buttocks, runs down the outside of the thigh, and attaches just below the knee. When inflamed, it causes tightness, burning, and pain on the side of the knee or hip.
Huffing is a term for the abuse of inhalants and may include sniffing, snorting, and inhaling through the mouth.
Hot reactors
hot reactors are apparently healthy individuals who are prime candidates for stress-related heart attack or stroke because of the extreme reactions they demonstrate in response to daily stress.
Healthy life expectancy
The number of years a person is expected to live in good health.
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