Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Aerobic energy system
System that provides energy for activities lasting longer than 2 minutes. This system requires oxygen.
Weight management
A program of sensible eating and exercise habits that keep weight at a healthy level. The adoption of healthful and sustainable eating and exercise behaviors indicated for reduced disease risk and improved feelings of energy and wellbeing.
Trigger lock
A device that helps prevent a gun from being fired.
Sexual activity
Any activity that includes intentional sexual contact for the purpose of sexual arousal.
The ability to recover from illness, hardship, and other stressors.
Rescue breathing
An emergency technique in which a rescuer gives air to someone who is not breathing. A method of inflating a person’s lungs by blowing air slowly into the individual’s mouth or nose or both. Forcing air into the lungs of an individual who has ceased breathing or is experiencing insufficient breathing is termed rescue breathing.…
Renewable resource
A natural resource that can be replaced over a short period of Lime.
Reusing materials from used products to make new products. The use over and over again of materials such as metal and glass.
Protective factor
Anything that keeps a person from engaging in a harmful behavior.
Peer mediation
A technique in which a trained outsider who is your age helps people in a conflict come to a peaceful resolution.
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