Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Aniline derivatives
Contain small, uncolored dyes that combine with hydrogen peroxide to form larger, permanent dye molecules within the cortex.
Anagen phase
Phase during which new hair is produced.
Ammonium thioglycolate
Active ingredient or reducing agent in alkaline permanents.
Ammonia-free waves
Perms that use an ingredient that does not evaporate as readily as ammonia, so there is very little odor associated with their use.
Alpha hydroxy acids
Acids derived from plants (mostly fruit) that are often used to exfoliate the skin.
Allergic contact dermatitis
An allergy to an ingredient or a chemical, usually caused by repeated skin contact with the chemical. Contact dermatitis is a form of skin inflammation triggered by an allergic reaction to a substance that is typically harmless for the majority of individuals. Common culprits include nickel and rubber.
Alkaline substances used to neutralize acids or raise the pH of many hair products.
Alkaline waves
Also known as cold waves; have a pH between 9.0 and 9.6, use ammonium thioglycolate (ATG) as the reducing agent, and process at room temperature without the addition of heat.
Alipidic literally means “lack of lipids.” Describes skin that does not produce enough sebum, indicated by absence of visible pores.
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
A common thermoplastic used to make light, rigid, molded nail tips.
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