Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Capless wigs
Also known as caps; machine-made from human or artificial hair which is woven into rows of wefts. Wefts are sewn to elastic strips in a circular pattern to fit the head shape.
Cap wigs
Wigs constructed of elasticized, mesh-fiber bases to which the hair is attached.
Cap technique
Lightening technique that involves pulling clean, dry strands of hair through a perforated cap with a thin plastic or metal hook, and then combing them to remove tangles.
Callus softeners
Products designed to soften and smooth thickened tissue (calluses).
Cake makeup
Also known as pancake makeup; a heavy-coverage makeup pressed into a compact and applied to the face with a moistened cosmetic sponge.
Business regulations and laws
Any and all local, state, and federal regulations and laws that you must comply with when you decide to open your salon or rent a booth.
Business plan
A written description of your business as you see it today, and as you foresee it in the next five years (detailed by year).
Brushing machine
A rotating electric appliance with interchangeable brushes that can be attached to the rotating head.
Bruised nails
Condition in which a blood clot forms under the nail plate, causing a dark purplish spot. These discolorations are usually due to small injuries to the nail bed.
Bricklay permanent wrap
Perm wrap similar to actual technique of bricklaying; base sections are offset from each other row by row, to prevent noticeable splits and to blend the flow of the hair.
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