Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Chemical properties
Characteristics that can only be determined by a chemical reaction and a chemical change in the substance.
Chemical hair relaxing
A process or service that rearranges the structure of curly hair into a straighter or smoother form.
Chemical exfoliants
Products that contain chemicals that either loosen or dissolve dead cell buildup.
Chelating soaps
Detergents that break down stubborn films and remove the residue of pedicure products such as scrubs, salts, and masks.
Cheek color
Used primarily to add a natural looking glow to the cheeks.
Cervical nerves
Affect the side of the neck and the platysma muscle.
Cervical cutaneous nerve
Located at the side of the neck, affects the front and sides of the neck as far down as the breastbone.
Catagen phase
The brief transition period between the growth and resting phases of a hair follicle. It signals the end of the growth phase.
Cascade curls
Pin curls fastened to the head in a standing position to allow the hair to flow upward and then downward.
Carved curls
Pin curls sliced from a shaping and formed without lifting the hair from the head.
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