Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Sensory function evaluation

    Clinical evaluation that tests sensory function.  

  • Statistical sensitivity

    The ability of a diagnostic test to detect a disease, when present, in a diseased population. Sensitivity = true positives divided by the sum of true positives plus false negatives, or TP/(FN + TP).  

  • Clinical sensitivity

    Clinical sensitivity, also called tooth sensitivity or dentin hypersensitivity, is the experience of a sensation ranging from mild discomfort to shooting pain caused by the exposure of susceptible teeth to thermal (cold or hot) stimuli.  

  • Sensitivity

    A state of abnormal responsiveness to stimulation. In epidemiology, related to tests of validity. The percent of all cases that are identified correctly, specificity. A measure of the ability of a diagnostic or screening test, or other predictor to correctly identify the positive (or sick) people, the proportion of true positive cases (sick people) correctly…

  • Semi‐precious metal alloy

    An alloy made of both base and precious metals. No specified ratio of components distinguishes one group of semi‐precious alloys from another.  

  • Semi‐adjustable articulator

    An articulator that allows adjustments to replicate typical mandibular movements.  

  • Self‐tapping

    Ability of certain implant profile designs to cut their own threads into the osteotomy walls at the time of implant placement. A self‐tapping implant may be screwed into the osteotomy without first having to pretap the thread grooves.  

  • Self‐separating plaster

    An obsolete term for an impression plaster that disintegrates in hot water.  

  • Self‐curing resin

    Autopolymerizing resin.  

  • Selenomonas sputigena

    Gram‐positive, anaerobic, rod‐shaped bacteria, mainly from subgingival plaque, that displays a tumbling motility.  

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