Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Spicule

    A slight, pointed, needle‐like body, such as a small piece of bone. In dentistry, a bony fragment may be loose or attached to the maxilla or mandible after a tooth extraction. Small needle-like structure; Very small spike; Fine, fleshy, erect point (Lindley, 1848); Bentham’s term for an interpinnal seta. A small splinter of bone.  

  • Specimen

    A representative sample removed from the whole for analysis in order to make a diagnostic or histologic characterization. Dried plant or part of a plant in a herbarium, or any plant (part) collected for study. A part of a plant or an entire plant, either dried in a herbarium or living in a botanical garden.…

  • Specificity

    The ability of a diagnostic test to detect the absence of a disease in a healthy population. Specificity = true negatives divided by the sum of true negatives plus false positives, or TN/(FN + TN). True positives are correct positive diagnoses; false negatives are incorrect negative diagnoses. Diagnostic tests with high specificity are often used…

  • Speaking space

    The dynamic air space between intraoral structures (e.g., the incisal or occlusal surfaces of the opposing teeth) during speech.  

  • Spatulation

    The manipulation of material with a spatula to produce a homogenous mass.  

  • Spatula

    A flat‐bladed instrument used for mixing or spreading materials. The word spatula was adopted directly from Latin in the early sixteenth century as a name for a medical instrument used to stir ointments and potions. This medical sense remained the primary meaning of spatula until the twentieth century, when the utensil gradually came to be…

  • Spasm

    A sudden, involuntary, generally painful contraction of a muscle, or groups of muscle fibers. Sudden, violent involuntary muscular contraction. Involuntary contraction of a muscle or a muscle fiber. An intense, involuntary, usually painful contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. A sudden, usually painful, involuntary contraction of a muscle, as in cramp. An involuntary…

  • Spacemaking

    Property of surgical site capable of maintaining a space under a membrane for the purpose of guided bone regeneration (GBR). This may be provided by (a) defect morphology in either three‐wall or two‐wall defects; (b) use of bone grafts or substitutes to support the membrane; (c) membrane itself, which is rigid and stable enough to…

  • Sounding

    Serial measurement of the thickness of intraoral soft tissue in order to map the topography of the underlying bone.  

  • Sonics

    An instrument vibrating in the sonic range (approximately 6000 cps) that, accompanied by a stream of water, can be used to remove adherent deposits from teeth.    

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