Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Sterilization

    A term referring to any process that eliminates or kills all forms of microbial life. The destroying of all forms of life, especially microorganisms, by heat, chemical, or other means. The process of destruction of microorganisms by heat or radiation. Rendering the male or female incapable of impregnation or conceiving. Heat and/or steam treatment either…

  • Sterility

    All forms of viable microbial life are nonexistent. Inability to produce offspring, also called asepsis. The inability to produce offspring, i.e., the inability to conceive (female s.) or to induce conception (male s.). The state of being aseptic, or free from microorganisms. The absence of sex cells and, therefore, the inability to reproduce. The state…

  • Sterile technique

    Surgical procedure performed under sterile conditions. It takes place under hospital operating room conditions and follows operating room protocol for set‐up, instrument transfer and handling, and personnel movement. Surgical scrubs, head covers, shoe covers, and sterile gowns are worn.  

  • Sterile

    Complete absence of all microbial life, including transmissible agents (e.g., fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms) on a surface, contained in a fluid, in medication, or in a compound, such as biological culture medium. (Used of sexual parts, such as anthers) barren, not functional; (Of botanical specimens) lacking flowers and fruits. A product that contains no…

  • Stereophotogrammetry

    A method to estimate the 3D coordinates of points on an object. These are determined by measurements made in two or more photographic images taken from different positions. Common points are identified on each image. A line of sight (or ray) can be constructed from the camera location to the point on the object. It…

  • Stereolithography (SLA) (syn)

    Three‐dimensional modeling. A rapid manufacturing and rapid prototyping technology for creating a three‐dimensional model by using lasers driven by CAD software from information derived from a CT scan. It is used for surgical planning and the generation of a stereolithographic guide. Also known as 3D printing, optical fabrication, photo‐solidification, solid freeform fabrication, and solid imaging.…

  • Stereolithographic model

    A three‐dimensional reconstruction of the maxilla or mandible generated via computer‐aided manufacturing (CAM) according to information derived from software‐based planning.  

  • Stereolithographic guide

    Stereolithographic guide

    A drilling guide generated via computer‐aided manufacturing (CAM), according to information derived from software‐based planning, used for dental implant placement in vivo.  

  • Stereognosis

    Ability to perceive the weight and form of an object by touch. Awareness of the shape of an object by means of touch. The ability to tell the shape of an object in three dimensions by means of touch. Mental ability to perceive the form and nature of objects by touch; tested as part of…

  • Stepped implant

    Specific implant shaft design that incorporates concentric steps that narrow in width toward the apex of the implant.  

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