Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Stomatitis medicamentosa

    Eruptive lesions of the oral mucosa resulting from the ingestion of a systemic allergen, usually a medication.  

  • Stoma (pl. stomata or stomas)

    Any surgically constructed opening made for drainage or other purposes. The breathing pores of leaves.  

  • Stock tray

    A metal or plastic prefabricated impression tray used principally for preliminary impressions; available in several standardized sizes and shapes. Compare: Custom tray.  

  • STL (abbrev)

    Standard tessellation language.  

  • Stippling

    The pitted orange‐peel appearance of the attached gingiva, which is considered a structural characteristic of a healthy gingiva. The existence of a number of small pin-point areas in which the corneal epithelium has become denuded, resulting in these areas being stained if fluorescein is instilled into the eye. A spotted or speckled appearance, such as…

  • Stipple

    The process of producing a stippled appearance of the attached gingiva or its artificial replacement.  

  • Stimulus

    An agent or action that elicits a physiologic activity or response within the oral tissues. That which can elicit or evoke action (response) in a muscle, nerve, gland or other excitable issue, or cause an augmenting action upon any function or metabolic process. Anything in the environment that an organism can detect and respond to.…

  • Stimulator, interdental

    A device designed for massage of interproximal soft tissues.  

  • Stillman’s clef

    A localized V‐shaped or slit‐like indentation or recession at the midline of the gingival margin of a tooth. It may extend several millimeters toward the mucogingival junction or even to or through the junction.  

  • Steroid hormones

    A large family of biologically important hormones containing a tetracyclic (cyclopentanophenanthrene) nucleus. Steroid hormones are generally synthesized from cholesterol and are able to pass through the cell membrane. These are fats similar to, and usually synthesized from, cholesterol, starting with Acetyl-CoA, moving through squalene, past lanosterol, into cholesterol, and, in the gonads and adrenal cortex,…

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