Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Stress

    Force or load applied to an object. Forcibly exerted influence; pressure. Any condition or situation that causes strain or tension. Stress may be either physical or psychological, or both. The state manifested by the specific syndrome that consists of all the non-specifically induced changes within a biological system; a disruption in body homeostasis and all…

  • Streptococcus sanguis

    Gram‐positive, nonmotile, aerobic cocci that form chains and are found in dental plaque. Also isolated from blood cultures of patients with subacute bacterial endocarditis. S. sanguis is grouped into types I and II. A gram-positive bacterium that can thrive with or without oxygen and exhibits α-hemolysis, belonging to the viridans group. It is present in…

  • Streptococcus oralis

    Gram‐positive, nonmotile, facultative cocci found primarily in plaque of healthy individuals or in healthy sites in individuals with periodontal disease.  

  • Streptococcus mitis

    Gram‐positive, nonmotile, aerobic cocci that tend to form chains and are found in dental plaque. It is difficult to define S. mitis as it does little physiologically and is antigenically heterogeneous. It is often defined by exclusion.  

  • Streptococcus mitior

    Formerly called Streptococcus viridans. Gram‐positive, nonmotile, aerobic, spherical bacteria that form chains and are isolated from the human respiratory tract and from certain clinical conditions. including infective endocarditis.  

  • Streptococcus intermedius

    Gram‐positive, facultative cocci that have been associated with refractory periodontitis.  

  • Streptococcus spp

    Gram‐positive, nonmotile, facultative bacteria that represent a major group of oral bacteria. Normal constituent of plaque, but also associated with streptococcal diseases elsewhere in the body.  

  • Strain


    Change in dimension of an object when subjected to an external force (stress). Horticultural term for seed-raised plants exhibiting certain desirable characteristics but which are not stable or predictable enough when propagated to be a cultivar. “Muscle pull;” a stretch, tear or rip of the muscle or adjacent tissue, such as fascia or muscle tendon.…

  • Stomatology

    The study of the structures, functions, and diseases of the mouth. Medical study of the mouth and its diseases. A branch of medicine which studies diseases of the mouth. The branch of medicine concerned with diseases of the mouth. The science of the mouth and teeth and their diseases. The examination of oral diseases.  

  • Stomatitis venenata

    Lesions caused by exposure to contact allergens.  

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