Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Surface alteration

    Modification of an implant surface by additive or subtractive surface treatment.  

  • Supragingival calculus

    Calculus formed coronal to the gingival margin; usually formed more recently than subgingival calculus. Also known as salivary calculus.  

  • Supragingival

    Located above the gingival tissue. Portion of a natural or artificial tooth structure that is coronal to the gingival crest. Above the gingiva; used in reference to the location of dental restorations, bacterial plaque, or calculus on the tooth. It is often contrasted with subgingival, the gingival margin being the reference point.  

  • Supraeruption

    Eruption of a tooth or teeth above the standard occlusal plane.  

  • Suppuration

    Formation or discharge of pus; associated with an acute or chronic infection. The formation of pus or fluid leaking from a wound. The formation of pus. Suppuration is a term that describes the accumulation of material into pus and the process of discharging pus. The process occurs at the site of a bacterial infection where…

  • Supporting cusps

    Those cusps of teeth that contact the fossae of the opposing teeth to support centric occlusion. In the normal adult tooth arrangement, these are the palatal cusps of the maxillary posterior teeth, the facial cusp.  

  • Superstructure

    The upper (most superior) part of a fixed or removable dental prosthesis of which the replacement teeth and associated gingival/alveolar structures are part. The visible portion of a structure, especially those parts external to the main structure.  

  • Supernumerary

    More than the routine or normal number. Extra, more than the usual number. Extra teeth located in the dental arch. Supernumerary teeth may be present anywhere along the jaw where the 32 permanent teeth are normally positioned. They most commonly appear among the top teeth, between the two front teeth, or behind the third molar…

  • Supereruption

    The eruption of teeth beyond the normal occlusal plane.  

  • Sulcular incision (syn)

    Intracrevicular incision, Intrasulcular incision. Cut made directly into the gingival or periimplant sulcus, reaching the alveolar bone crest and following the contours of the teeth or dental implants.  

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