Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Osseous surgery

    Osseous surgery

    A surgical procedure intended to achieve long‐term periodontal health by osteoplasty or ostectomy to reshape and recontour the alveolar bone resulting in physiologic form and contour of the alveolar bone and overlying soft tissues.  

  • Implant surgery

    Procedures concerned with the placement, uncovering, and removal of implants and the repair or modification of associated hard or soft tissues.  

  • Surgery


    That branch of medical science concerned with the treatment of diseases or injuries by means of manual or operative methods. The procedures performed by a surgeon. A medical specialty concerned with the operative treatment of diseases. Any operative or manual procedure undertaken for the diagnosis or treatment of a disease or other disorder; the branch…

  • Surfactant

    An agent that acts on the surface to reduce interfacial surface tension between two liquids or between a liquid and a solid. A fat-containing protein in the respiratory passages which reduces the surface tension of pulmonary fluids and contributes to the elastic properties of pulmonary tissue. Surface active agent capable of breaking the surface tension…

  • Surface treatment

    Modification to the implant surface, either structural or chemical, which alters its properties. It may be additive or subtractive in nature.  

  • Surface translocating bacteria (STB)

    Gramnegative, motile, rod‐shaped bacteria that have a gliding movement and are found in dental plaque. They include Campylobacter rectus, Eikenella corrodens, and Capnocytophaga spp.  

  • Surface tension

    Surface tension

    A property of liquids in which the exposed surface tends to contract to the smallest possible area, as in the spherical formation of drops. This is a phenomenon attributed to the cohesion between the molecules of the liquid. The force exerted between the surface molecules of a fluid. Molecular property of film on surface of…

  • Surface roughness

    Qualitative and quantitative features of a dental implant surface determined two‐dimensionally by contact stylus profilometry or threedimensionally by a confocal laser scanner.      

  • Surface characteristics (implant)

    The topography of a surface is defined in terms of form, waviness, and roughness. Roughness describes the smallest irregularities in the surface, while form relates to the largest structure or profile. Waviness and roughness are often presented together under the term texture. Two types of dental implant surfaces are usually distinguished: machined and textured.  …

  • Surface bonding

    Additive surface applied to the implant body.  

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