Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Telescopic crown

    A secondary or artificial crown that fits over a fixed or nonremovable prosthesis, such as a primary crown, coping, bar, or any other suitable rigid support for the dental prosthesis.  

  • Telescopic coping attachment system

    Retentive mechanism that employs a frictional fit between the matrix and patrix components. External surface of the patrix mirrors the internal surface of the matrix and fits within the confines of the matrix for a frictional, passive fit.  

  • Telescopic coping

    A thin cast cover fabricated for a prepared tooth or implant abutment, which acts as an undersubstructure for a prosthesis.  

  • Telangiectasia


    Permanent dilation of blood vessels near the surface of the skin or mucous membranes that results in small focal red lesions that are commonly seen on the nose, cheeks, and chin. Also called angioectasias or spider veins. A condition in which the small blood vessels, especially in the face and thighs, are permanently dilated producing…

  • Teflon compression ring

    Prosthetic component made of polyoxymethylene intended to provide resilience between the implant and the prosthesis. This ring is placed between the transmucosal element and the prosthesis.  

  • Team approach

    Multidisciplinary combination and collaboration of care and/or therapy providers in the restorative management of a patient whose treatment involves dental implants.  

  • TCP (abbrev)

    Tricalcium phosphate.  

  • Taurodontism

    A variation in tooth form affecting some or all of the primary and secondary molars, marked by elongation of the body of the tooth so that the pulp chambers are large apicoocclusally and the roots are reduced in size. A condition in which the teeth have greatly enlarged and deepened pulp chambers that encroach on…

  • Tapping

    The process of creating a threaded channel in bone with a bone tap, for the placement of a fixation screw or prior to the insertion of a dental implant in an osteotomy. Also known as pretapping. The popular name for the withdrawal of oedema fluid from the cavities or the subcutaneous tissues of the body.…

  • Tapered impression coping

    Impression coping designed to narrow toward the occlusal surface; varies in length.  

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