Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Tension

    The state of being stretched, strained, or extended. The act of stretching or the state of being stretched. An emotional strain or stress. Condition of being taut or tense, as in muscle tension. Process or act of stretching; state of being strained or stretched. Amount of pressure applied when combing and holding a section, created…

  • Tensile stress

    Stress caused by a load (two forces applied away from one another in the same straight line) that tends to stretch or elongate an object.  

  • Tensile strain

    Elongation/original length × 100%.  

  • Temporary anchorage device (TAD)

    Miniscrew, osseointegrated palatal or retromolar dental implant, placed to control tooth movement during orthodontic treatment.  

  • Temporary abutment (syn)

    Temporary cylinder. Abutment used for the fabrication of an interim restoration. The interim restoration may be cemented on the temporary abutment or the temporary abutment may be incorporated in the interim restoration, enabling it to be screw‐retained.  

  • Template

    A pattern, mold, or gauge used as a guide to form a piece being made. A curved or flat surface pattern that is used as an aid in arranging teeth. In general terms it is a mold or pattern that can be copied or its shape reproduced. When used with reference to molecular dimensions it…

  • Temporomandibular joint hypermobility

    Pathologically excessive mobility of the temporomandibular joint commonly associated with internal disk derangement.  

  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

    The joint that connects the head of the condyloid process of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone via an articular disk; allows rotational and sliding movement of the mandible by a sliding hinge mechanism. These are the two joints that connect the jawbone to the skull under the zygomatic arch. TMJ…

  • Temporomandibular disorders (TMD)

    A collection of medical and dental conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and/or muscles of mastication and other contiguous tissue components. Includes myofascial pain‐dysfunction syndrome (MPD), meniscal displacement with or without reduction (internal derangement), degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis), rheumatoid arthritis, and other disorders of systemic origin, facial growth disharmonies, traumatic injuries, and neoplasms.  

  • Temporomandibular articulation

    Ginglymoarthrodial‐type articulating joint involved in the bilateral connection of mandibular condyles to the temporal bone. Anatomic structures comprising the joint are the anterior part of the glenoid cavity of the temporal bone, its articular eminence, and the mandibular condyle; the ligaments supporting the joint are the temporomandibular, capsular, sphenomandibular, stylomandibular, and articular disk or meniscus.…

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