Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Varicella zoster (shingles, herpes zoster)
Caused by the herpetovirus (varicella zoster virus); a painful papular or vesicular eruption is seen usually unilaterally on the skin or oral mucosa following the path of the involved sensory nerve. The patient exhibits fever and malaise. Varicella zoster is the virus that causes chicken pox. It is a mild but highly contagious disease that…
Degree of dispersion of data about the mean. The square root of the variance is the standard deviation. For bell‐shaped curves, the larger the variance, the flatter the distribution curve; the smaller the variance, the more peaked the curve. A measure of variation equal to the square of the standard deviation or its estimate. A…
Valsalva maneuver
Performed by attempting to forcibly exhale while keeping the mouth and nose closed. It is an assessment tool, used during surgery, to evaluate the loss of integrity of the Schneiderian membrane. Closing the glottis and bearing down to create pressure in the chest, resulting in a drop in blood pressure and diminished blood flow to…
A vascular reaction of the skin that presents with pale red, raised, and itchy bumps. Commonly referred to as hives and may be associated with the sensation of burning or stinging. It often occurs in response to an allergic reaction but it can be induced by nonallergic conditions. Allergicinduced reactions usually last less than 6…
Tipping inclined teeth to a more normal vertical axial inclination.
The vertical or normal position of a tooth. A growth habit whereby main branches grow more or less vertically.
Unit load
The part of the total load on a bone, carried by a square unit of its crosssection or surface, that causes a corresponding strain and stress. It is arithmetically equal to the total load divided by the cross‐section area of the bone carrying it. Also load calculated as being applied to an individual implant within…
Unilateral subperiosteal implant
An eposteal dental implant that provides for one or more abutments and that supports and/or retains a removable or fixed dental prosthesis on one side of a partially edentulous dental arch.
Confined or relating to only one side; one sided. One-sided: all the organs developed on one side or all the organs turned to one side. Affecting only one side (e.g., unilateral paralysis, paralysis of only one side of toe body). Relating to or affecting one side of the body or one side of an organ…
Uniform color space
If a color space is perceptually uniform, it means a change of length x in any direction of the color space would be perceived by a human as the same or an equal change.
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