Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Sore, red and sticky eyes caused by eye infection. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye or eyelid. Inflammation of the conjunctiva, generally associated with discharge. Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the eyelids and covering of the anterior part of the eyeball. A contagious eye disease commonly known as pink eye that…
Condyloma, Condylomata acuminata
Genital warts, venereal warts, anal wart or anogenital wart, a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection caused by epidermotropic human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts of the genital-anal region (caused by viruses of the Papilloma group).
A combination of crude ingredients that are prepared or cooked together. A mixture of two medicinal substances, usually done with the aid of heat.
Agent that is considered not to induce cell growth alone but to promote the effect of the mitogen.
A blocked, open sebaceous gland where the secretions oxidize, turning black. Also called blackhead. A blemish caused by acne.
A tuft of long hairs at one (or both) end(s) of a seed; seed appendage to aid wind dispersal. A state of unconsciousness from which a patient cannot be aroused. A severe disturbance of consciousness with absence of voluntary activity (either motor or cognitive) and diminished or absent responsiveness to tactile, thermal, proprioceptive, visual, auditory,…
Referring to both the colon and rectum.
A lotion or liquid wash used as a cleanser for the eyes, particularly in diseases of the eye. A commercial eye lotion preparation. A solution used to bathe the eyes. A medicated solution used to bathe the eyes.
Inflammatory bowel disease affecting the tissue that lines the gastrointestinal system. Inflammation of the colon, the large intestine; a kind Of digestive disorder. Inflammation of the large intestine, with pain, diarrhoea and weight loss; there may be ulceration of the large intestine (ulcerative colitis). Colon inflammation, usually involving the mucus membranes. Mucous colitis is a…
A broad term which refers to episodes of uncontrollable, extended crying in a baby who is otherwise healthy and well fed. Acute paraxysmal abdominal pain or pertaining to the colon. Abdominal pain produced by strong contractions of intestines or bladder. Persistent unexplained crying in an infant. Pain resulting from excessive or sudden abdominal spasmodic contractions…
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