Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
(Or microvascular disease) is an angiopathy affecting small blood vessels in the body. Development of lesions in small blood vessels. Any disease of the capillaries. Thickening of the capillary basement membrane. A disease of the very small blood vessels. Damage to the walls of the smallest blood vessels. It may result from a variety of…
Formation process of micelles.
A submicroscopic aggregation of molecules. The spherical structure formed by the association of a number of amphiphilic molecules dissolved in water. Structurally, the outer surface of the micelle (sphere) is covered with the polar domains (head groups) which are directed towards (stick into) the water while the interior of the micelle contains the nonpolar domains…
Minimum inhibitory concentration – lowest concentration of an antimicrobial that will inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism.
Uterine bleeding at irregular intervals, particularly between the expected menstrual periods. Normal uterine bleeding at an abnormal time. Uterine bleeding; usually abnormal amount, occurring at completely irregular intervals, the period of flow sometimes being prolonged. Bleeding that occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Uterine bleeding, especially at a time other than the menstrual…
The slipping or falling out of place of an organ (as the uterus). A condition in which the uterus has moved downwards out of its usual position. Prolapse of the uterus; downward displacement of the uterus, with the neck (cervix) sometimes protruding from the vagina. It most often occurs in women who have had children.…
The quiescent period of sexual inactivity between oestrus cycle.
Pertaining to the metaphysis.
Enzymes that breakdown proteins and requiring zinc or calcium atoms for proper function.
Mesangial cells
Are specialized cells around blood vessels in the kidneys, at the mesangium.
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