Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Parasympathomimetic

    Having an action resembling that caused by stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. A drug which stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system by making smooth muscle more tense, widening the blood vessels, slowing the heart rate, increasing the amount of sweat and saliva produced and contracting the pupil of the eye. Having an effect (as from…

  • Parasympathetic nervous system

    Subsystem of the nervous systems that slows the heart rate and increases intestinal and gland activity and relaxes the sphincter muscles. Part of the autonomic nervous system; regulates the body’s “rest and digest” responses. The part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that controls the life-sustaining organs of the body under normal, danger-free conditions. The…

  • Paralytic

    Person affected with paralysis, pertaining to paralysis. Referring to paralysis. Referring to a person who is paralysed. Relating to paralysis; an individual afflicted by paralysis.  

  • Paradontosis


    Is the inflammation of gums and other deeper structures, including the bone.  

  • Papain

    A protein degrading enzyme used medicinally and to tenderize meat. An enzyme found in the juice of unripe papayas. An enzyme found in the latex of the fruit and leaves of the papaya plant. A proteolytic enzyme found in papaya. A preparation that contains one or more protein-digesting enzymes. It is obtained from the pawpaw…

  • Pantothenic acid

    Vitamin B5. A vitamin of the B complex with no numerical designation. Optional on nutrition label unless added as a nutrient supplement. Helps regulate the use of carbohyrate, fat and protein for energy production. A component of coenzyme is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to produce energy. It is plentiful in…

  • Pancreatitis

    Inflammation of the pancreas most common in alcoholics. Associated with alcoholism or biliary tract obstruction. If untreated, the exocrine pancreas becomes necrotic and characteristic disturbances in digestion occur together with progressive decline of health. This can be life threatening. Inflammation of the pancreas, usually marked by abdominal pain often radiating to the back, nausea, and…

  • Paludism

    State of having symptoms of malaria characterized by high fever and chills. A seldom-used word referring to malaria.  

  • Palpitation

    Rapid pulsation or throbbing of the heart. Irregular beating or pulsation of the heart. A noticeably forceful heartbeat. Rapid, strong beating of the heart, associated with emotional arousal and certain heart abnormalities. Sensation of irregular, strong, or fluttering heartbeat in the chest or neck. The sensation of a strong, fast, or irregular heartbeat. Palpitations can…

  • P-glycoprotein (P-gp, ABCB1, MDR1)

    A cell membrane-associated drug-exporting protein that transports a variety of drug substrates from cancer cells.  

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