Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Pityriasis lichenoides

    Pityriasis lichenoides

    Is a rare skin disorder of unknown aetiology characterised by multiple papules and plaques.  

  • Piebaldism


    Rare autosomal dominant disorder of melanocyte development characterized by distinct patches of skin and hair that contain no pigment. An infrequent genetic condition where uneven patches of missing dark pigment melanin lead to depigmented sections of skin and, at times, hair. Frequently, a white segment appears at the center of the face, which can encompass…

  • Phytosterols

    A group of steroid alcohols, cholesterol-like phytochemicals naturally occurring in plants like vegetable oils, nuts and legumes. A plant-based compound that lowers levels of cholesterol in the blood. General name given to sterols occurring in plants, the chief of which is sitosterol. A sterol related to cholesterol found in plants. Any sterol present in vegetable…

  • Phytonutrients


    Certain organic components of plants, that are thought to promote human health. Fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and teas are rich sources of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are not ‘essential’ for life. Also called phytochemicals. Naturally-occuring plant-based nutrients. Plant compound with health-giving properties. Chemicals, or nutrients, in plants that protect the plant from germs, fungus, and other…

  • Phytohemagglutinin

    A lectin found in plant that is involved in the stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation. A chemical derived from red kidney beans, used in the laboratory as a mitogen, stimulating T-lymphocyte growth in cultures.  

  • Phthisis

    An archaic name for tuberculosis. A wasting disease of the lungs; difficulty in breathing. An historical term meaning wasting, previously applied to that progressive enfeeblement and loss of weight that arose from tuberculous disease of all kinds, but especially from the disease as it affected the lungs. A nearly outdated term for tuberculosis, particularly of…

  • Photosensitivity

    Sensitivity toward light. A drug-induced change in the skin resulting in a rash or exaggerated sunburn upon exposure to the sun or ultraviolet lamps. A condition in which a person is sensitive to sunlight. The fact of being sensitive to light. Abnormal sensitivity of the skin to the sun; it is caused by a disorder…

  • Photopsia

    An affection of the eye, in which the patient perceives luminous rays, flashes, coruscations, etc. A condition of the eye in which someone sees flashes of light. Sensation of flashing lights, caused by irritation of the retina. This is a description of the flashing lights which are a not uncommon aura preceding an attack of…

  • Photocarcinogenesis

    Represents the sum of a complex of simultaneous and sequential biochemical events that ultimately lead to the occurrence of skin cancer. Malignant skin damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays.  

  • Photoaging

    Is the term that describes damage to the skin caused by intense and chronic exposure to sunlight resulting in premature aging of the skin. Skin damage as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays.  

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