Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The Ayurvedic Dosha comprised of fire and water elements, governing your stomach and all transformation within your body. When Pitta is out of balance, you experience heartburn, overheating, anger, impatience, and other related issues. One of the three bodily humors, it is the combination of fire and water and is related to all digestive functions…
An ancient Ayurvedic fivefold detoxification and rejuvenation method involving herbalized oil massages, steam therapies, enemas, a cleansing kitchari diet, and other toxin-purifying practices. Five measures for elimination of excess dosha and/or ama from the body. Used for the purpose of internal purification. They are: vomiting (vamana); purgation (virechana), medicated oil or decoction enema (basti); bloodletting…
The subtle essence related to health and well-being. It makes you peaceful and patient. The pure essence of all the bodily tissues (dhatus); the superfine essence of kapha, maintains immunity, strength, and vitality. Ojas creates bliss and awareness in the mental faculties and governs the body’s immune function. If it is depleted, it can lead…
The Ayurvedic practice of rinsing out your nostrils with salt water to treat congestion and improve breathing.
The Ayurvedic practice of administering oil up your nose to heal allergies, improve breathing, relieve headaches, and even improve quality of voice. Errhine; a drug which promotes nasal discharge. Method of administering medication through the nose; one of the five measures of panchakarma.
The five layers surrounding your physical body that comprise your whole being. These five layers are your physical body (annamaya), energy body (pranamaya), mental body (manomaya), intuitive body (vijnanamaya), and blissful body (anandamaya).
The Ayurvedic Dosha comprised of earth and water elements, governing your bone density and all structure within your body. When Kapha is out of balance, you experience heaviness, fatigue, water retention, depression, and other related issues. One of the three doshas, combining the water and earth elements. Kapha is the energy that forms the body’s…
Dry brushing
The Ayurvedic practice of gently scraping the body with a dry loofa brush to remove toxins and dead skin cells and stimulate the lymphatic system.
The Ayurvedic term for “energy” used to describe all people, foods, and things. The three Doshas are Vata (air and ether), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (earth and water). Refers to one of the three bodily humors Vata, Pitta, KapEa that bridge the mind and the body. The three main psycho-physiological functional principles of…
Your daily practice, such as brushing your teeth, washing your face, scraping your tongue, oiling your body, meditating, and eating breakfast. The term means “to be close to the day” because balance is found when you work with the rhythms of nature.
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