Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A small dry thin-walled fruit, not splitting when ripe, and containing a single seed. Small, dry indehiscent one-seeded fruit with tight, thin outer wall. A small dry fruit containing a single seed (example: sunflower seed). A dry, one-seeded fruit, without a predictable opening and formed from a single carpel, usually one of many, like an…
Shaped like a shallow cup, saucershaped [unusual term].
Acervulus (plural acervuli)
In chamaedoroid palms, a group of flowers borne in a line; A small asexual fruiting body that erupts through the epidermis of host plants parasitised by mitosporic fungi of the form order Melanconiales.
Needle-shaped, thin-cylindrical with a sharp point; solid/3-dimensional shape, unlike.
Acicular, needle-shaped [unusual term].
‘Without a head’, used for an ovary without a stigma; Also in general, when a head-like structure would be expected but is not present.
Lying against (for example, the cotyledons against the radicle).
Increasing in length or thickness with age (for example, the calyx after flowering).
(Of buds) additional to axillary buds, and assuming their function; (Of branches) secondary branches; (Of fruits) false fruits, conspicuous but without function other than attraction; A fruit (or group of fruits) conspicuous by parts that are not part of the pistil; anthocarp; (In fern anatomy) stellar perforation not linked to frond insertion. Fruit formed from…
In nomenclature, a name or epithet accepted by an author who adopts it as the correct one.
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