Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
(Of spore wall) without apertures.
With albumen, the nutritive substance in the seed. Furnished with albumen. To resembling, or containing albumin.
Storage tissues accompanying the embryo (endosperm and perisperm) [antiquated term]. The watery jelly that surrounds the yolk of an egg is a protein called albumen, a form of which is also abundant in human blood. When heated, egg albumen turns white, a transformation that is suggested by the origin of the word itself: albumen derives…
Winged; as the seeds of the ash.
Alar flower
A flower borne in the fork of two branches of a dichasium [unusual term].
Alae (singular ala)
Wings, lateral petals; especially of flowers in Leguminosae/Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae.
Flowering constantly [unusual term, not recommended].
Aggregate species
A super-species, with so much variation that several taxa are thought to be involved. A group of very closely related species, in this book treated as one.
Aggregated into
Forming a more complex structure (e.g. racemes aggregated into a panicle).
In a dense mass, the individual parts touching.
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