Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Opposite the petals.
Slender structure on the pollinium of orchid genus Catasetum which, when touched, causes the pollinia to be catapulted out.
Out of the ordinary, unlike others in its group. Irregular; deviating from or contrary to normal.
Annulus (plural annuli)
Ring; in ferns, the ring of thick-walled cells involved in opening the sporangium. In mushrooms, the membranous remnant of partial veil found on mature stems of some species. A ring-shaped structure; a ring. Also spelled anulus.
(Of pollen) with an encircling sulcus.
In the shape of a ring; used of any organs arranged in a circle. The term “annular” denotes a characteristic shape resembling a ring. It is used to describe specific anatomical structures like ligaments and, in the field of dermatology, the appearance of circular skin rashes such as ringworm. Furthermore, the term can be employed…
Annual shoot
Shoot sprouting from the perennial root or stem system and lasting only one growing season.
Completing its life cycle within one year or one growing season; not biennial or perennial. Yearly; a plant that germinates, flowers, and sets seed during a single growing season. A plant/tree whose life cycle is only one year. Plant that completes its life cycle in a year. Plant growing from seed, flowering, producing seeds, and…
(Of sporangia) of two unequal halves.
(Of branching) dichotomous, but with one shoot much longer than the other.
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