Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bauplan

    A German term for the vegetative architectural plan (e.g. the sympodium).  

  • Bathyphyll


    In climbing ferns, one of the fronds formed near the base of the plant, usually smaller and more dissected.  

  • Bast

    Phloem; Fibrous tissues for the purpose of mechanical support.  

  • Basitonic

    [Obscure term with several meanings] Branching type, where the shoots near the base show the greatest development; Flowering seasonal shoots which produce no leaves; Fruiting surface on the interior of the canopy; In orchids, with the rostellum or viscidium associated with the base of the anther.  

  • Basiscopic

    (In ferns) towards the base of the frond.  

  • Basis

    The base.  

  • Basiramous

    With branches mainly near the base of the plant [unusual term].  

  • Basiphilous

    Growing mainly on basic (high pH) soils, such as chalky soil or basaltic rock.  

  • Basipetal(-ous)

    Developing in the direction of the base (away from the apex).  

  • Basionym

    (In nomenclature) the original name or epithet that has priority when a taxon is transferred to a different group.  

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