Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Bisect, bisected
Divided into two equal parts.
Oblong and slightly constricted in the middle [unusual term].
(In Cyperaceae) inflorescence branched to two orders, roughly funnel-shaped.
With two beak-like extensions.
(Of hairs) with two equal or unequal branches. Consisting of or possessing two branches.
Bipinnatisect, 2-pinnatisect
When divisions of a pinnatisect leaf are themselves pinnatifid or pinnatisect.
Bipinnatifid, 2-pinnatifid
When divisions of a pinnatifid leaf are themselves pinnatifid.
Bipinnate-pinnatisect, 2-pinnate-pinnatisect
Bipinnate with the pinnules pinnatisect.
Bipinnate-pinnatifid, 2-pinnate-pinnatifid
Bipinnate with the pinnules pinnatifid. Doubly pinnate with the pinnae partially divided into pinnules.
Bipinnate, 2-pinnate
Doubly pinnate, divided into pinnae bearing pinnules; i.e. the rachis bearing first-order axes which bear the leaflets; when the primary divisions of a pinnate leaf are themselves pinnate. Twice pinnately divided.
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