Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bracteose


    With many, or showy, bracts.  

  • Bracteoliform

    Bracteole-shaped [obscure term].  

  • Bracteole

    A secondary bract, usually smaller than the bracts and always borne above them; a small modified leaf (or pair of modified leaves) borne just below the flower, or anywhere along a pedicel above the bract; often defined specifically as the bract at or near the base of the pedicel [vague term with differing uses]. Diminutive…

  • Bracteolate

    Subtended by, or beset with bracteoles.  

  • Bracteody

    The replacement of floral whorls by bracts [obscure term].  

  • Bracteate

    Subtended by, or beset with, bracts. Bearing many small leaf-like structures or bracts. Small leaf situated at the base of the flower or on its stem.  

  • Bract


    A modified and specialized leaf in the inflorescence, standing below partial peduncles, pedicels or flowers. Any more or less reduced or modified leaf associated with a flower or an inflorescence that is not part of the flower itself. A leaf-like structure, usually different in form from the normal leaves, associated with the inflorescence. Modified leaf;…

  • Brackish


    Water of some salinity, but of less salinity than sea water. Coastal tidal water that is somewhat salty, but not as salty as seawater.  

  • Brachystylous

    (In heterostylous flowers) the shortstyled morph.  

  • Brachyblast


    Short shoot of limited growth (e.g. a spur shoot), usually borne on a long main axis; also a short shoot with persistent successive pairs of stipules and thus appearing thatched.  

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