Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bulblet


    Small bulb or bulb-like structure.  

  • Bulbiliferous


    Producing bulbils.  

  • Bulbil


    A small, usually axillary bulb (e.g. in the axil of a leaf ) capable of developing into a new plant. A small bulb or bulblike structure growing in a leaf axil or among the florets of a flower cluster, which falls to the ground and takes root there.  

  • Bulbiform

    Shaped like a bulb, broadly ovoid and tapering distally to a point.  

  • Bulb


    Underground storage organ; the bud(s) enclosed by fleshy scale leaves and/or leaf bases. A short vertical, underground shoot that has modified leaves or thickened leaf bases prominently developed as food-storage organs. Modified short, underground stem surrounded by a row of fleshy leaves with thickened bases (e.g., Onion). Cluster of fleshy storage leaves gathered tightly together…

  • Buff

    (Colour) dull yellow-brown.  

  • Bud-scales


    The coverings of the bud.  

  • Bud


    A meristem (either apical or lateral) in early development or resting stages, with its protective coverings; immature shoot, usually protected by scales or prophyll(s), or immature flower, protected by bracts, bracteoles and/or perianth segments. A small swelling or projection on a branch from which a shoot, cluster of leaves, or flower develops. A branch in…

  • Bucciniform

    Shaped like the end of a trumpet [unusual term].  

  • Brochidodromous


    With loopveined venation; main veins emerging from the midrib at regular intervals, at the margin turning towards the apex and looping to join the next vein upwards.  

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