Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bursicle


    In Orchidaceae, a flap- or sheath-like base covering the viscidium.  

  • Burr


    Rough, prickly envelope of a fruit, formed of cohering prickly bracts, accrescent calyx or pericarp; sometimes spelled bur; Woody swelling of trees, usually at the base of the trunk, associated with epicormic shoots. A bit used with a drill to make holes in a bone such as the cranium ‘or in a tooth.  

  • Bundle-sheath

    Cylinder of cells surrounding a vascular bundle.  

  • Bundle scar

    Marking within a leaf scar where the vascular bundle (vein) was broken.  

  • Bundle

    A strand of specialised tissue, variously modified. A group of nerves running in the same direction. Cluster (fascicle) of filaments or elongated parts, specifically muscle fibers or nerves (e.g., bundle of His). A group of nerve fibers situated close together and running in the same direction; e.g. the atrioventricular bundle. A fascicle, which is commonly…

  • Bulliform


  • Bullate

    With the surface of the leaf raised in blisters or puckers between the veins, or at the base of scales (in some ferns).  

  • Bulla (plural bullae)

    (In Cycadaceae) cone scales with ± peltate head; Blisters or puckers on surface.  

  • Bulbous


    (Of hairs) with an inflated base. Shaped like a bulb; having an underground storage organ made up of enlarged and fleshy scales wrapped around each other from which flowers and leaves are produced.    

  • Bulbose


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