Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
With a caruncle. Having a caruncle.
An outgrowth of the outer seed integument, near the hilum; usually small and fleshy, and associated with animal dispersal; also called a strophiole, but a strophiole is an outgrowth from the raphe, whereas the caruncle is next to the micropyle (Bell, 2008). A warty excrescence upon a seed. An outgrowth of the seed, usually fleshy…
Hard and tough, but slightly bendy (preferred spelling). Firm and tough; cartilage-like. Pertaining to or consisting of cartilage.
Hard and tough, but slightly bendy (cartilaginous is the preferred spelling).
In Compositae/Asteraceae, a basal callus to the achene composed of receptacular tissue.
A prolongation of the receptacle or floral axis bearing the carpels or ovary, as in some Umbelliferae/Apiaceae or Ranunculaceae; In ferns, the stalk of the sporocarp. The stalk of a fruit within the flower.
The modified gynoecium in the sterile flowers of Typha, usually club-shaped.
Creeping or staying very low, and forming a continuous layer over a large area.
Possessing carpels.
The basic unit of the female sexual organ; One of the cells or locules of the syncarpous ovary; The female sporophyll. The fertile leaf of an angiosperm that bears the ovules. The pistil (female part of the flower) is made up of one or more carpels, where the seeds normally are found. The female reproductive…
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