Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
(In Euphorbiaceae) small stem at (around) ground level, arising from rootstock, from which annual stems arise; (In Orchidaceae, derived subfamilies of Apocynaceae) a stalk connecting the pollen-masses; In an orchid flower, a slender, mealy or elastic extension of the pollinium, or a mealy portion at one end of the pollinium, produced within the anther (Dressler,…
Formed like a caudex, enlarged or swollen.
Classically, the axis of a plant, consisting of stem and root; Latterly, especially in Euphorbiaceae, used as an enlarged storage organ at soil level, composed of the swollen stem or root, or both. The persistent, often woody base of an herbaceous perennial; also refers to the axis of a plant (including both stem and root).…
Abruptly ending in a long tail-like tip or appendage; very protracted, excessively acuminate. The apex tail-like. Having a tail. With an apex abruptly ending in a long tail-like tip or appendage.
Resembling a catkin [not recommended].
A slender, often pendulous, cylindrical racemose or spicate inflorescence with crowded (sub)sessile unisexual apetalous flowers, falling as a whole after fruiting. Spike-like inflorescence (flower cluster), usually containing scaly bracts. A flower spike, often pendent in a tree or shrub. The tiny flowers usually lack petals and bear only male or only female parts (example: pecan…
Scale leaf; Scale-like leaf
In ferns, with the first set of veins in a pinna in a basal direction.
Chestnut-coloured: a dark glossy brown or reddish brown.
The fruit in Gramineae/Poaceae, a small dry thin-walled fruit, with the single seed fused to the pericarp; a type of achene.
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