Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Circinnotropous

    Condition of ovules or seeds where the funicles are long and curled, and where the curvature of the ovule or seed against the funicle is pronounced; in such ovules, the funicle encircles the ovule more or less completely (e.g. in Cactaceae, Plumbaginaceae) (Stuppy, pers. comm.)  

  • Circinnate


    Coiled inwards upon itself (as the young leaves of ferns, hooks of some climbers, leaves of Drosera).  

  • Circinate


    Coiled inwards upon itself (preferred spelling is circinnate). Rolled inwards from the top.  

  • Cinnamon


    (Colour) yellowish-brown. A spice made from the bark of the cinnamon tree. It has a penetrating aroma and pleasant astringent flavor. Cinnamon is referred to in the Old Testament and in even older Sanskrit texts, thus affirming that it was one of the first spices to be used in flavouring food and wine. The word…

  • Cinnabar


    (Colour) vermilion, blood-red.  

  • Cinerous

    Ash-coloured, pale grey (cinereous is the preferred term).  

  • Cinereous

    Ash-coloured, pale grey. Having an ashy hue.  

  • Cincinnus


    Inflorescence with flowers appearing alternately to the right and left of one side of the sympodial axis; scorpioid cyme, or a situation in which each successive flower arises in the axil of a bract on the preceding flower stalk. Inflorescence where each successive flower arises in the axil of a bracteole on the preceding flower…

  • Cincinnate

    In the shape of a cincinnus.  

  • Ciliolate


    Fringed with very small hairs.  

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