Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Shedding branches with leaves attached.
A tubular structure subtending the inflorescence in some Cyperaceae.
A branch taking on the form and function of a leaf.
In cladistics, 2-dimensional tree diagram showing relationships between taxa that are based on shared character states.
In venation, with secondary veins spreading and repeatedly branching themselves, becoming indistinct before reaching the margin.
Single node or internode of stem or branch that is flattened and expanded to serve the functions of a leaf. Node or internode of stem or branch that is flattened and expanded to serve the functions of a leaf. A leaf- like structure which is really a flattened stem (shown by the fact t hat…
A philosophy of classification that arranges organisms by their common ancestry, based on the branching of the evolutionary family tree, as perceived by shared character states. Initially popularized by Willi Hennig’s 1950 book entitled Phylogenetic Systematics, cladistics is a system oftaxonomic classification of organisms (and/or their specimens) that is based upon (determined) similar lines of…
To do with branching patterns of descent in which perceived relationships are based on selected shared characters.
Group of plants evolved from common ancestor. The taxonomic sub-groups within cladistics. An exclusive group of plants in which each member is more closely related to the others than any member is to a member of another group. A term which originally referred to a group of descendants from a single biological organism, that is,…
Cirrus (plural cirri)
Barbed whip-tip extension of leaf midrib (specialist term in Palmae, 1986). A gelatinous matrix in which ascospores of ascomycetes are shed.
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