Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Of characters that vary along an environmental or geographical gradient.
Clinal variation
A series of morphological forms that gradually change over an environmental gradient.
A plant that grows upwards by attaching itself to other structures which it uses as supports; by contrast, a scrambler does not attach itself to its supports. A plant with stems too long and flexible to be self supporting and which raises itself to the light by climbing into and over other plants. It may…
Most developed vegetation type possible in a particular site; usually in equilibrium with environment, end of a succession series, stable vegetation. Of a disease, its turning point. An orgasm. The point where a disease is at its worst. The period of greatest intensity.
With self-fertilisation occurring within the unopened flower (as in Viola); this type of flowers are usually smaller than chasmogamous flowers. Of flowers, not opening, being self-pollinated during the bud stage.
Divided almost to the middle; often used for split or lobed in a less specific way. With sharp lobes, usually near the middle. Indented about halfway to the midrib or base of the blade. Cut about halfway (as in a leaf). A small opening or hollow place in a surface or body part. Division, fissure,…
Very fine particles of mineral rock, smaller than both sand and silt. A major component of soils, consisting of very fine particles of mineral origin that swell and become sticky when they take up water. A high proportion of clay in a soil makes it difficult to dig and impedes both root penetration and drainage.…
With a very narrow part near the base, but more distally with an expanded blade.
The narrow proximal part of a flat organ (e.g. of a petal). A long narrow stalk-like base of a petal or sepal. The narrow, stalk-like base of some petals. The narrow, stem-like proximal part of a petal. Lower, narrower part of an organ, such as a petal – effectively the peta l stalk (cf. limb).…
Clavuncle, clavuncula
In Apocynaceae, an enlarged stigma of which the sides and lower surface are the receptive zone; usually coherent with anthers.
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