Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Diminutive of corm, a solid, bulb-like stem, usually underground. A small corm that grows from around the base of a corm, usually in fair numbers and used for propagation. A small corm that grows from around the base of a corm, often numerous and able to be used for propagation.
A new corm produced from a parent corm.
Short underground swollen stem, a storage stem. Bulblike, underground storage organ formed by a swollen stem base. Swollen, usually spherical or rounded underground stem, capable of producing a new plant. Modified underground stem base, fleshy and globose, bearing scaly leaves and bulbs. The fleshy, bulblike, solid base of a stem, often rising out of a…
With the consistency of cork.
Protective tissue replacing the epidermis in the older parts of some plants, this tissue is elastic and impervious to liquids.
Leathery, tough.
(Of leaf base) a little cordate [unusual term, to be avoided].
Shaped like a heart in two or three dimensions.
(Of the base of a leaf) deeply notched so the whole base has a slight heart-shape; Sometimes used for the shape of the whole leaf, which is then ovate with a notched base and an acute apex. Heart-shaped in outline. Heart-shaped; when used for a leaf base, it is deeply notched so that the base…
Coppice shoot
New branches arising from a cut-back trunk or from the lower trunk (often with foliage different from normal foliage).
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