Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Costapalmate


    A basically palmate leaf in which the petiole extends into the lamina as a well-defined ‘axis’, the costa, which effectively divides the lamina in two (specialist term in Palmae, 1986). A palmate leaf in which the petiole extends into the lamina forming a midrib (only used in Arecaceae).  

  • Costal


    (Of veins) those that run between the primary veins; ‘major secondaries’. In anatomy, pertaining to the ribs.  

  • Costa

    A rib, often of a leaf, pinna or leaflet, sometimes used for midrib; (In ferns) the major axis of a pinna. A rib, often of a leaf or leaflet, sometimes used for the midrib. Costae, one of the 12 pairs of ribs forming the general shape of the chest (thorax).  

  • Cosmopolitan


    (Of distribution) occurring all over the World.  

  • Corymbose

    A flat-topped or convex racemose inflorescence with flower stalks of unequal length arising from different points on the main stem, the flowers on the outer (lower) stalks opening first; hence corymbose, in a corymb.  

  • Corymbophore

    (In Compositae/Asteraceae) the leafless stalk of a inflorescence [obscure term].  

  • Corymbiform


    Shaped like a corymb.  

  • Corymb


    A more or less flattopped, racemose (indeterminate) inflorescence in which the branches or the pedicels start from different points but all reach to about the same level. A flat-topped or convex flower cluster, in which outer stems are long and those toward the center are shorter. A flat-topped or convex flower cluster having flower stalks…

  • Corticate

    With a cortex or bark.  

  • Cortical

    Of the bark. When discussing the brain, the term “cortex” specifically pertains to the outer layer, distinct from the inner regions of the organ.  

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