Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cruciform


    Shaped like a cross. Cross-shaped, as in the sepals and petals of the mustard family.  

  • Cruciate or Cruciform

    Cruciate or Cruciform

    Cross-shaped: with four parts forming a symmetric cross. (Of basidia or basidiospores) Having a cross shape; in basidia of certain jelly fungi the longitudinal wall formation inside the basidium after meiosis makes four compartments that appear cross-shaped from the top of the basidium; an important character of the order Tremellales; basidiospores can produce long wings…

  • Crozier-shaped


    Shaped like a bishop’s crozier, i.e. with the apex coiled in one plane, like young ferns.  

  • Crownshaft


    A column of leaf sheaths tightly enclosing the developing leaves, forming a pseudostem at the tip of the stem (specialist term used in Palmae, 1986). An apparent upward extension of the trunk in certain palms, being a pseudostem (as in banana plants) made up of tightly furled sheathing bases of the fronds. Only one large…

  • Crowded

    (Of gills) So close together that spaces between the gills are hard to see.  

  • Cross-vein

    A short second or third vein that runs between veins of one order higher.  

  • Cross-pollination

    Transfer of pollen between different plants. In botany, the transfer of pollen from the anther of one plant to the stigma of a flower of another plant.  

  • Crossing

    Interbreeding of closely or distantly related individuals.  

  • Cross-fertilisation

    Fertilisation by pollen from another individual.  

  • Cross

    Another name for a hybrid, though somewhat vaguer in meaning. Any structure or figure in the shape of a cross.  

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